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Legacy Subscriptions

Understand legacy design subscription plans and how they affect your Reel Unlimited account.

At Reel Unlimited, clients who subscribed to a plan before January 2024 are considered to be on legacy design subscriptions. These legacy subscriptions offer almost the same access and features as our new plans.

Over the past year, we've faced significant operational changes and cost increases. As a service-oriented company, we've always been committed to providing exceptional customer support and value. To continue doing so, we've had to review and adjust our subscription models.

All legacy subscriptions are now discontinued and not available for new purchases. However, if you're a client with an active legacy subscription, you will continue to have access to our service indefinitely. This means that as long as you maintain your subscription, you can keep enjoying the benefits of your legacy plan.

It's important to note that if you cancel your legacy subscription, you must subscribe again at the new prices and with the feature limitations of our current plans.

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