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Discount Policy

Reel Unlimited values its customers and aims to offer competitive prices through its dynamic discount policy.

The Lifespan of a Discount

At Reel Unlimited, customers who maintain an active subscription are given a discount. The discount applies to your account for as long as your subscription remains uninterrupted. However, if you decide to pause or cancel your Reel Unlimited subscription, your discount will no longer be valid. Should you choose to reactivate your subscription later, you will need to do so at the regular price, as the previous discount will not apply.

One Discount Code per Year

To ensure fairness and avoid misuse, Reel Unlimited has set a limitation on the usage of discount codes. Each account can use only one discount code in a one-year period.

So, for instance, if you receive a discount, then cancel your subscription within the same year, you won't be able to use another discount code until a full year has passed since the cancellation. This policy prevents users from continuously subscribing and unsubscribing to manipulate discounts.

Encouraging Long-term Commitment

Reel Unlimited's discount policy is designed to promote a stable, long-term relationship with its subscribers. It incentivizes users to maintain an ongoing subscription, offering the reward of a discounted rate for consistent patronage.

To fully enjoy the benefits of your discount, it is encouraged to maintain an uninterrupted subscription with Reel Unlimited.

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